In 2001 „UAB Stropuva ir ko“ developed and patented world’s first upper combustion boiler ,,Stropuva”. Since then company is producing solid fuel boilers which are not only popular in Lithuania, but are sold all over Europe, in CIS countries, South Korea, Canada and many other countries. Our specialists are successfully improving the boiler further and adapting it to special needs of selective customers. Employees of Company are qualified constructors, welders and specialists of other fields with non-less than 5 year experience.
Benefits of household solid fuel boilers ,,Stropuva”:
- Uninterrupted burn – no need to constantly look after the boiler
- Economy – about 86,8% in all modes
- Clean and ecological – ashes need to be removed only two times in a month, no resin build up in boiler.
- Boiler operates safely. It is first Lithuanian boiler to receive CE certification.
- Very economic – (at maximum speed or on slow burn).
- Any type of wood is suitable: firewood, sawdust briquettes, leftovers of furniture construction, sawdust, also pellets, peat briquettes, coal.
Boiler “Stropuva”, is a boiler that can realize old dream of man: Even at a slow burn of wood efficiency remains very high, therefore one load of wood, depending on the needed temperature, will burn for longer than one day and night.
In 2007 began the development of new universal solid fuel boiler, which could use coal and wood. Duration of burn when using coal can be up to 7 days.
After many experiments in laboratory, in 2014 our new product was born – boiler of bio fuel STROPUVA “BIO”. This new generation boiler will assure comfortable heating. When you have no dry wood, you can use other typo of bio fuel – sawdust briquettes, pellets, wood chips. One load of pellets can burn up to 4 days.
To address the needs of customers and increasing demand of pellet boilers in 2015, we added pellet burner to boiler “Stropuva”. This decision allows full automatization of burning process – automatic fuel ignition, settings of operation parameters, precise temperature control, and remote control.
Electronic controller was added to boiler “Stropuva” In 2015. It selects most economic operation modes and periodically slows down the operation of boiler. When temperature of the premises decreases, boiler is turned on again. Thanks to load of this device, burning time can even be doubled in some occasions.